Buradasınız: Mirc - Remote - Mirc İrc Chanserv Yetki Ekleme Paneli

Ekleme: Mircinizde Alt+R tuşuna basın sol üstte dosya => yeni ekle seçin. Kodları yapıştırın.

Kullanımı mircinizde sağ tuşa tıklayıp chanserv yetki paneline tıklayın.

dialog ch.access {
  title "Chanserv Access Paneli"
  size -1 -1 251 142
  option dbu
  box "Kanali Seç", 1, 2 0 65 111
  combo 2, 4 9 60 50, size drop
  combo 3, 4 24 60 50, size
  edit "Kaç LeveLs ?", 4, 4 73 60 10, center
  button "Ekle", 5, 14 89 37 12
  box "Alt Kısımdakiler Access Seviyelerini ve Nickleri Gösterir.", 6, 67 0 179 111
  combo 7, 70 9 173 75, size
  button "Kaldir", 8, 73 86 37 12
  edit "Access Level", 9, 154 86 50 11, center
  button "Düzenle", 10, 205 85 37 12
  button "Tamam Kapat.", 11, 190 116 54 12, ok
  text "  Kullanimi : İlk önce Kanali Seçiyorsunuz.  Sonra bi altina Nicki yaziyorsunuz. Kaç Levels yazan yerede Seviyesini yazip Ekle diyorsunuz. ßy RosicRucian", 12, 12 116 150 22

alias access { dialog -m ch.access ch.access }

Menu Channel {
  Chanserv Yetki Paneli:access

on ^*:NOTICE:*:?:{
  if ($dialog(ch.access)) && ($nick == Chanserv) {
    if (Access list for isin $1-) { haltdef }
    if (must be non-zero isin $1-) { haltdef | echo -a  4Error: Level must be a number and non-zero }
    if ($2 = VOP) || ($2 = HOP) || ($2 = AOP) || ($2 = SOP) {
      if (%halt.x = on) { halt }
      did -a ch.access 7 Chan must have xOp turned off 
      set -u3 %halt.x on 
    if ($1 isnum) && ($2 isnum) { haltdef | did -a ch.access 7 $3 - Access Level $2 } 
    if (Num isin $1-) { haltdef }
    if (End isin $1-) { haltdef }
    if (Access Denied isin $1-) { haltdef | did -a ch.access 7 Access Denied }
    if (added to isin $1-) { haltdef }
    if (deleted from isin $1-) { haltdef }
    if (changed isin $1-) { haltdef }
    if (list is empty isin $1-) { haltdef | did -a ch.access 7 Access List is Empty }

on *:DIALOG:ch.access:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    did -b $dname 3-5
    did -b $dname 7-10
    did -f $dname 2
    var %chan.var 1
    while (%chan.var <= $chan(0)) {
      did -a $dname 2 $chan(%chan.var)
      inc %chan.var
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 2) {
      did -r $dname 7
      cs access $did(2) list
      did -e $dname 7
      did -e $dname 3
      did -f $dname 3
      var %nick.var 1
      while (%nick.var <= $nick($did(2),0)) {
        did -a $dname 3 $nick($did(2),%nick.var)
        inc %nick.var
    if ($did == 3) { did -e $dname 4 | did -f $dname 4 }
    if ($did == 5) {
      did -r $dname 7
      cs access $did(2) add $did(3) $did(4)
      did -r $dname 4
      did -a $dname 4 Access Level
      did -b $dname 4-5
      cs access $did(2) list
    if ($did == 7) { did -e $dname 8-9 }
    if ($did == 8) {
      cs access $did(2) del $gettok($did(7),1,32)
      did -r $dname 7
      did -b $dname 8-10
      cs access $did(2) list
    if ($did == 10) {
      cs access $did(2) add $gettok($did(7),1,32) $did(9)
      did -r $dname 7
      did -r $dname 9
      did -a $dname 9 Access Level
      did -b $dname 8-10
      cs access $did(2) list
  if ($devent == edit) {
    if ($did == 3) { did -e $dname 4 }
    if ($did == 4) { did -e $dname 5 }
    if ($did == 9) { did -e $dname 10 } 

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